Look what just arrived…the sign for the FREE laundromat day….I LOVE it….it is going to be so amazing…all for the glory of God!!!!!

Provided by Easy Fundraising Ideas
We have met our goal to provide 4 hours of FREE laundry service, PLUS money to pay for 2 offduty officers to keep us safe, but we will continue to accept donations to bless even more than we originally planned. If you feel led to donate, please click on the “DONATE” button below. Thank you all for your support!!
Can you imagine not being able to do your laundry because you don’t have the extra money for that? Can you imagine throwing your clothes away and just going to a church or other place to get more clothes because you cannot wash your clothing? Many people have to do that, because they don’t have that luxury like most of us do of having a washer and/or dryer. We are trying to give them some dignity and help. We are trying to provide a FREE Laundry Day in the inner-city and showing the Love of Jesus through washing and drying their clothes and providing all the supplies, but we need your help and in a BIG WAY!!!
If you have been following our blog and FB page long, you know when we dream, we dream BIG. . Because we are dreaming God-sized dreams. . . so Jamie and I have been praying and meditating and this is our latest vision (that we feel is God inspired). On February 8th, we will providing a FREE laundry day at the All Wash Laundromat, located at 1504 Broadway in Toledo. Many people who are struggling in this economy have a very difficult time finding the funds to do their laundry, so we felt this would bless so many people. We talked to the owner today who gave us permission and is very excited to have this happen at his laundromat. We cannot do this alone, but know through Christ ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. We need a ton of help so I am coming to all of you and asking you all to get involved. I have broken down the budget so you can see why we need $1050, 20 volunteers, 20 bottles of laundry detergent, 20 bottles of softener, and 20 boxes of fabric sheets (40 box). We have the FUNdraising thermometer located above so everyone can see the progress we are making. If we end up with more money, then we will stay until all money has been used, but our goal is to work from 11-3 p.m. Monetary donations can be made via paypal to address crothers8@aol.com (will receive receipt from Miracle CHIRSTmas) or you can go to our page www.miraclechristmas.com and click on the “make a donation” tab there. They have 36 (working) washers
- 24 – $1.75
- 8 – $3.50
- 4- $4.50
Total: $88 for all 36 washers at one time
They have 28 (working) dryers
- $0.25/7 minutes and stated it takes about $1.50 to completely dry a load of wash
Total: $42 for all 28 dryers at one time
Wash cycles will begin at at 11, 11:45, 12:30, 1:15, and last one at 2 (all 36 working washers) and run consecutively until 2:45 = $440
Dryer cycles will begin 45 minutes later (due to washing happening first) all 28 dryers, and run consecutively with last dryer starting at 2:45 = $210.00
TOTAL FOR 180 LOADS FROM START TO FINISH (11 a.m. – 3 p.m.) =$650
$25/hr for off duty police officers x 2 officers = $250
Total Needed: $900
We are rounding this up to $1000 just in case some of the dryer cycles take more (i.e. comforters, etc.) or any other unforeseen things come up. If they do not then the money left will stay at the laundromat for people that come in after we are finished or for the next FREE Laundromat Event. So we are asking for everyone to prayfully consider either donating $1 (we would need 1200 people) or donating $4 for one complete load of laundry from start to finish or any amount that you are able to donate. Monetary donations can be made via paypal to address crothers8@aol.com (will receive receipt from Miracle CHIRSTmas) or you can go to our page www.miraclechristmas.com and click on the “make a donation” tab there.
If you are interested in mailing a check or cash, please send to:
Free Tastes Good
P.O. Box 312
Sylvania, OH 43560
If you are willing to donate supplies or volunteer the day of the event, please sign up by CLICKING HERE!! (THE CHIPS AND BOTTLED WATER IS AT BOTTOM OF LIST) We are limited to ONLY 20 volunteers per shift due to size of laundromat. Please note this is a family event and we would love for you to bring your kids along also:) If you need to get in contact with me, please do so at joni@freetastesgood.com !! I cannot even begin to express how excited we are to be taking on this adventure. Our prayer is that God will be glorified and that many lives will be changed because of someone showing a random act of kindness to many people. Please pray for us, the helpers, and that we would receive all funding to make this happen. We cannot do this BUT THROUGH CHRIST ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. For anyone willing to help, please consider arriving at 10:30 so we can pray outside of the laundromat before we start. Matthew 25:40 “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”.

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Too bad the police are charging to be there. It would have been nice if they could volunteer their time and money like us all.
I’m just thankful they will be there. . no complaints from me:)
Can we drop off the laundry det. @ 10:30 or is that too early.
10:45 would be best so we can get situated with police officers and get everything set up:) Thanks Connie!!
What is the closest crossroad to 1504 Broadway? Thanks, Joni
South and Western. . so off the Anthony Trail take South:) Hope that helps! Thanks so much Connie!!